Mauve blue iris type flowers held above low growing narrow grass-like foliage.
Stunning bright red flowers in autumn, growing up to 90 cm tall with fan-shaped flattened leaves like iris. Loves water margins or can be grown in a rich composted garden bed. Keep well mulched for best flowering. Easy to grow from seed, can naturalise.
Lovely tall spires of pink flowers on fern-like foliage which turns burgundy red in winter.
A very fine evergreen clump forming perennial with narrow strappy leaves and airy pure white 3 petaled flowers.
Deep magenta coloured flat flowers above mat-forming dense grey foliage.
Summer flowering perennial groundcover with outstanding and eye catching pink flowers above grey fuzzy dense foliage. Rock garden, pot or trough. Do not over water.
Exceptionally fragrant woody perennial with pure white flowers and grey leaves.
Butterfly shaped bright buttercup yellow flowers on extremely tall stems.
Butterfly shaped purple/blue flowers with bright yellow centres on tall stems.