
A stunning biennial with huge, spectacular flower heads in summer.


Shiny golden feathery leaves, with pretty small white flowers held well above the foliage.


Extremely tall spires with massed tiny white daisy flowers held high above lush mid green lance shaped foliage.


Tall growing vigorous perennial with lilac flowers on tall stems.


Stunning over the top magenta pink flowers on waving wands above blue/green succulent foliage.


Self seeding short lived biennial with strong cobalt blue flowers larger than the species during spring through to summer. Great for attracting bees and other insects.


60cm high Fairy Fishing rod with sprays of pink flowers in summer. Very hardy. Full sun with little water required.


Tall lofty sprays of white flowers sway in the summer breeze above strappy evergreen foliage.


1.8metre high wands of pink flowers gracefully sway in the summer breeze.


Low mounds of dissected, fern-like foliage, with bright upward facing cup shaped flowers that open each day with sunlight.


Pure white flowers with an attractive red blotch on the base of the lower three segments.


Tall spires with numerous pendant white flowers in mid summer.