
Tall growing vigorous perennial with lilac flowers on tall stems.


Pretty pale pink-white flowers in summer attractive to pollinating bees and butterflies.


Attractive mid-green scalloped foliage with bright double golden yellow flowers in spring/summer.


Tall narrow spires of golden brown flowers


Low clumping plant, with 1m high flower spikes bearing white flowers with dark pink marks.


Low clumping plant, with 1m high flower spikes bearing white flowers with dark pink marks.


Extremely showy white tubular flowers flared red at the base. Protect from sever frost.


Extremely showy red tubular flowers flared red at the base. Protect from sever frost.


A very vigorous and hardy ground cover with yellow flowers and burgundy reflexed sepals


Flowers from late spring through to early autumn when it turns magnificent shades of yellow and orange


Evergreen shrub with abundant sprays of pure white raindrop shaped flowers that almost smother the bush in early spring. Needs afternoon sun protection.


Eye catching pink/mauve spotted flowers on ground cover plants with dark green foliage. Supplied as open ground plants with at least 3 points (buds).