Corrugated mid green leaves on dark stems, with blue flowers in summer with a good dense habit. Very hardy and quick growing.
A very neat, low growing perennial/sub-shrub with short grey leaves and yellow button flowers. Great for edging the dry border. Needs full sun in well drained soil.
Best shade plant with evergreen leaves, fragrant vanilla scented white flowers in winter/spring with red berries to follow. Ideal pot plant for the verandah or under heavy shade in the garden. Can be trimmed to size. Looks good year round. Tolerant of neglect. My sort of plant!
Very compact low growing ground cover, with ferny type leaves and pure white flowers.
Shiny green foliage with late spring tall drumstick type flower heads with cherry red petals and blue anthers
An attractive and vigorous white flower over a round ‘bladder’ which forms the seed pod.
Grassy spear like leaves are topped off by happy white flowers gazing up
Strappy grass like foliage with tall stems carrying a 'hand' of yellow flowers which open in the afternoon. 60cm tall
Rare tall growing perennial with round milk white flower heads during late summer/autumn. Bee attracting.