
Very pretty long pink bells with a second row of outward curved petals.


Self seeding short lived biennial with strong cobalt blue flowers larger than the species during spring through to summer. Great for attracting bees and other insects.


Pretty single pink flowers held above grey foliage.


Tall growing cottage pink with upright stems carrying very fringed strong pink flowers.


60cm high Fairy Fishing rod with sprays of pink flowers in summer. Very hardy. Full sun with little water required.


1.8metre high wands of pink flowers gracefully sway in the summer breeze.


Pure white flowers with yellow centre held 10cm clear of the grey leaves.


Low growing evergreen border plant with stark white flowers.


Metallic blue thistle type flower heads make a statement in the garden.


Tall spires with numerous pendant white flowers in mid summer.


Summer growing bulb with orange/yellow flowers with darker stripes inside the petals.


Hardy small shrub with attractive saw-toothed bronze and purple leaves. Summer flowering and a great feature in the winter garden. Frost hardy and easy care.