
Low growing groundcover with silver green variegated foliage and bright yellow flowers in November.


Low growing bulbous plant with pretty pink/fuchsia flowers and attractive magenta and green striped leaves. G


Impressive spires of burgundy flowers rise up above the greyish leaves.


Very pretty china blue flowers in mid-late spring. Strappy foliage is quite tough.


A very fine evergreen clump forming perennial with narrow strappy leaves and airy pure white 3 petaled flowers.


Cascading green foiliage with white new growth in spring. White leaves gradually turn green in summer when the purple spire flowers emerge. Grows to about 30cm. Best in part to full shade.


Glossy green foliage makes a very tight, dwarf bun with dainty


Spring-flowering woodland perennial produces outstanding


Bright yellow flowers in spikes with very pretty white/green


Bright yellow flowers in spikes with very pretty white/green


Masses of highly fragrant pale mauve flowers in spring.