Stunning bright red flowers in autumn, growing up to 90 cm tall with fan-shaped flattened leaves like iris. Loves water margins or can be grown in a rich composted garden bed. Keep well mulched for best flowering. Easy to grow from seed, can naturalise.
Low growing bulbous plant with pretty pink/fuchsia flowers and attractive magenta and green striped leaves. G
Pretty pink crinkled flowers adorn this bulb in early autumn, well before most other Autumn bulbs.
Collectable alpine plant with pretty strong baby pink star shaped flowers on thin stems with narrow foliage, flowers for me from early December to January. Hardy. Price for 3 bulbs.
Dark red cross in the middle of its mid green leaves. Pink/apricot flowers in early summer.
Attractive green elongated leaves looking like rabbit ears – hence its common name. Bright yellow flowers in late winter. Summer dormant. Price for 3 bulbs.
Attractive palmate radiating narrow leaflets with yellow trumpet flowers. Winter growing, summer dormant. Price for 3 bulbs
A superb little winter growing Oxalis grown for its foliage which radiates symmetrically from the centre.
Pleione Trix are tough low growing terrestrial orchid with pretty 10cm wide strong mauve petals, a white throat with red markings, Flowers in mid spring. 2 bulbs
Strong pink buds open to star shaped mid pink flowers with clumping short grass like foliage. Stunning when mass planted
Light pink buds open to star shaped white flowers flushed pink with clumping short grass like foliage. Stunning when mass planted, summer flowers last and last.
Dark pink buds open to star shaped mid pink flowers with clumping short grass like foliage. Stunning when mass planted