A neat mounding shrub with soft grey feathery leaves and yellow button flowers in summer. Very quick growing, easy to grow. Needs full sun and very little water.
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Light pink buds open to star shaped white flowers flushed pink with clumping short grass like foliage. Stunning when mass planted, summer flowers last and last.
A ground hugging perennial with chocolate coloured leaves and bright red flowers followed by red berries.
Glossy green foliage makes a very tight, dwarf bun with dainty
Shiny golden feathery leaves, with pretty small white flowers held well above the foliage.
Spires of cobalt blue flowers in spring are great for attracting bees and butterflies.
Burgundy drumstick flower heads float in the air above the low growing foliage.
Lovely tall spires of pink flowers on fern-like foliage which turns burgundy red in winter.
Vibrant orange/red flowers held above intense silver foliage.