
Dark red cross in the middle of its mid green leaves. Pink/apricot flowers in early summer.

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $12.00.

A superb little winter growing Oxalis grown for its foliage which radiates symmetrically from the centre.


Pleione Trix are tough low growing terrestrial orchid with pretty 10cm wide strong mauve petals, a white throat with red markings, Flowers in mid spring. 2 bulbs


Vigorous hardy low growing shrub with pink flowers


Stunning strong pink/carmine flowers held above wrinkled, wavy mid green rosette of leaves.


Dark pink buds open to star shaped mid pink flowers with clumping short grass like foliage. Stunning when mass planted


Very compact low growing ground cover, with ferny type leaves and pure white flowers.

Original price was: $12.50.Current price is: $10.00.

Grassy spear like leaves are topped off by happy white flowers gazing up


A miniature goldenrod with mid green leaves and vibrant yellow flowers in late summer. Although only small growing it is as tough and vigorous as all the other goldenrods. Ideal for rockeries and trough gardens.


Low growing aromatic grey foliaged shrub with pink flowers in summer.


Flamboyant evergreen ground cover smothered in bright pink flowers in mid/late spring. One of the best thymes. Great for attracting bees and butterflies. Excellent border plant or as a ground cover under roses.


A very fragrant groundcover viola with pretty double mauve flowers. Best in shade, but will tolerate sun if irrigated. Grows 15cm x 40cm