
Semi-deciduous upright shrub with white tinged pink blossoms in summer.


Deciduous medium growing shrub birch, great in wet soils. The only birch to turn red in autumn.


Often mistaken for a lilac. The grey leaves fall off during winter, leaving the amazing mauve purple flower panicles.


An evergreen shrub with soft pale mauve panicles of flowers during winter. Easy to grow and very tough. Frost and drought hardy. 3m x 3m, best in full sun.


Often mistaken for a lilac. The grey leaves fall off during winter, leaving the amazing mauve purple flower panicles.


Unusual yellow butterfly bush flowering from spring through to summer. Attracts butterflies, bees and nectar feeding birds with its strong honey scent. Likes full sun and adds a bright colour to the spring/summer garden. Easy to grow with good drainage and full sun.

Original price was: $13.50.Current price is: $10.00.

Pretty white flowers in summer attractive to pollinating bees and butterflies. Contrasting dark green leaves, which turn shades of pale yellow, and bronze before falling in autumn. White berries can be held throughout winter, adding interest to the shrub border and a food supply to birds. Easy to grow in full to part shade.


Pretty variegated shrub with bee attracting blue flowers in late summer and autumn.


Small flowering deciduous tree with lavender trumpet flowers


Beautiful golden leaves with bright red stems


A suckering white spring flowered shrub with golden yellow stems accentuated by cold winters. Good spring nectar for inse ts and white berries in late autumn for birds.


Compact rounded shrub with vibrant red branches that liven up the winter garden.