Grow it for the ferny foliage alone! Delicate clusters of white flowers on tall stems in summer. A great addition to the woodland. Hard to find but easy to grow once you have it. Good for picking and bouquets. Best in shade or semi shade.
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Bun shaped grey foliage with stark white daisies throughout the year. The more sun the better.
Dainty white flowers dance on wiry stems in spring above maiden hair fern type foliage.
Rare tall growing perennial with round milk white flower heads during late summer/autumn. Bee attracting.
Tall growing vigorous perennial with lilac flowers on tall stems. Open ground divisions for a limited time.
Very compact low growing ground cover, with ferny type leaves and pure white flowers.
Lovely tall spires of pink flowers on fern-like foliage which turns burgundy red in winter.
Attractive foliage made up of fine blue-grey blades. Very ornamental and can be used in cooking
Grassy spear like leaves are topped off by happy white flowers gazing up