Maurandya, commonly called the snap dragon vine, is a fast growing semi-deciduous creeper, hardy and tough with purple trumpet flowers spring to autumn. Easy to grow and naturalise draping over walls or on fences. May be used as a ground cover.
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Attractive foliage made up of fine blue-grey blades. Very ornamental and can be used in cooking
Burgundy drumstick flower heads float in the air above the low growing foliage.
Vibrant orange/red flowers held above intense silver foliage.
Attractive evergreen foliage in shades of bronze and red topped by short spikes of blue-purple flowers. Prefers full sun to half day shade.
Dense mat forming weed-smothering ground cover with spires of pink flowers. Can flower up to 3 times per growing season. 20cm tall.
Low growing evergreen groundcover with vibrant mauve flowers. Excellent companion to thyme on the edge of a garden bed.
Pure white flowers with yellow centre held 10cm clear of the grey leaves.