A lacecap hydrangea with coloured sepals according to the soil acidity, however after flowering when it moves to its autumn colours the sepals turn over to reveal dark wine red colours which makes it even better for autumn flower arranging.
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Amazing vibrant orange/red autumn colours make this a stand out shrub in the garden.
A vigorous deciduous shrub with stunning autumn colour and white flowers in spring
Pure white flowers smother this frost hardy hibiscus in the warm summer months.
A suckering white spring flowered shrub with golden yellow stems accentuated by cold winters. Good spring nectar for inse ts and white berries in late autumn for birds.
Fast growing evergreen shrub for the sun. It flowers year-round with large pink hibiscus-type flowers.
A deciduous shrub with heads of creamy white scented flowers in spring followed by clusters of red berries. Very hardy. Grows 4m x 3m. Can easily be hedged.
An attractive golden variegated Forsythia which becomes smothered with bright yellow flowers in late winter/early spring. Can be hedged if trimmed after flowering. Needs full to part sun.
A hardy deciduous shrub with purple/bronze foliage and strong pink tubular flowers in spring. The insects love it!