A pretty, dainty early flowering low growing snowdrop with wide recurved leaves and pure white flowers with distinct dark green markings. Grows to 15cm tall. Ideal pot or trough specimen. Naturalises/multiplies well. Easy to grow. Price for 3 dormant bulbs.
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Low growing bulbous plant with pretty pink/fuchsia flowers and attractive magenta and green striped leaves. G
White flowers with green keel at the top of the white flowers which form well above the bulb which is best planted above ground. Easy to grow but hard to find. Large bulbs.
Low rosettes of small soft brown round leaves, highlighted by the occasional bright orange leaf. Small white flowers.
Attractive palmate radiating narrow leaflets with yellow trumpet flowers. Winter growing, summer dormant. Price for 3 bulbs
Pretty and dainty best describes the flowers of the Primrose rain lily.
Dark green whorls of leaves with dainty small white flowers in spring/summer.
Tall spires of pendulous green flowers make quite a statement in the garden. Can be left in the garden to multiply for years.
Strong pink buds open to star shaped mid pink flowers with clumping short grass like foliage. Stunning when mass planted