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Evergreen shrubby perennial growing to 2m with bold serrated grey foliage and reddish-brown flowers.
A pretty, dainty early flowering low growing snowdrop with wide recurved leaves and pure white flowers with distinct dark green markings. Grows to 15cm tall. Ideal pot or trough specimen. Naturalises/multiplies well. Easy to grow. Price for 3 dormant bulbs.
Sea squill have stunning tall spires of starry white flowers in late summer which make quite a statement in the garden. Leaves emerge from the large bulbs after flowering, and remain throughout winter. Spring/early summer dormant. Comes from dry, rocky areas around the Mediterranean so it enjoys our hot summers. Price for 1 mature bulb.
Narrow glossy green leaves with white flowers striped green on the outside.
Lovely pendulous yellow flowers with a distinctive green stripe and strappy green leaves.
A very fine evergreen clump forming perennial with narrow strappy leaves and airy pure white 3 petaled flowers.
Golden yellow daisy type flowers stand high above erect, clump forming dissected foliage.
Attractive palmate radiating narrow leaflets with yellow trumpet flowers. Winter growing, summer dormant. Price for 3 bulbs